Heineken - Discover Your True Profile
Heineken wanted a unique campaign to launch their new Limited Edition STR Club Bottle. The design of the bottle included a secret colour design that was only revealed under blacklight. Just like the bottle, each person has a hidden, "true" persona. Someone that not all our friends are always privy to seeing. So that's great, but how do you acess this "true profile" ? Let's use a medium that everyone uses, every day. Facebook. The shares, likes, posts etc will tell us who you really are. The amount of picture you share online vs the amount of status updates tell us that you're a visual photographic orientated person. So thats what the clever piece of coding did. We created a whole list of differnet profiles, all people we know and see every day on our favourite newsfeed. By acessing the facebook app you could find out who you reakky are. Long story short - it was pretty cool to see who you really were compared to who you think you were. The app was amplified by outdoor and some very interesting direct mailers and invites that led to the final Revelation Party. Here's how it all went and how people interacted with the campaign.